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Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes

By the end of the course, the Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Social Worker or Psychologist will be able to:
-Name four steps in the Identifying the Critic technique.
-Name the three ways to Destroy the Critic.
-Name three techniques that can be useful in calming down teens who become violent.
-Name three techniques that are useful with teens who are prone to truancy and failing grades.
-Name the five levels of confrontation.
-Name the three key steps involved in writing an effective Family Agreement Contract.
-Name the three steps involved in Keeping Cool during an argument.
-Name three strategies that can help parents get their teens to stop alcohol or drug abuse.
-Name three techniques that parents can use with a teen who is prone to running away.
-Name three levels on which teen promiscuity may be examined.
-Explain what is a “sensory reinforcement controlled” type of firesetter.
-Explain what significantly predicted girls’ externalizing problems.
-Explain under what conditions is pathological firesetting likely to continue.
-Explain why are certain components of “cognitive problem-solving” more appropriate for older children than for younger children.
-Explain what is the logic of current prevention strategies for adolescent alcohol abuse.
-Explain what was found in the survey regarding fathers observing negative consequences to the use of some drugs.
-Explain how is the attachment process through adolescence distinguished.
-Explain how does the gender of the adolescent affect his/her attitude toward sex.
-Explain what was found that supports this statement. A further important role for parents is the establishment of appropriate demands for an increasing contribution to family and household responsibilities. 
-Explain what is the common thread among family interventions to promote adolescent health.

"The instructional level of this course is introductory, intermediate, or advanced depending on the learners clinical area of expertise."